There is a fair balance between a single party and a multiplication of parties which only has the effect of diluting initiatives. Based on the principle that members of the same political family can advance their project by agreeing on a certain number of proposals deemed essential, the consequence to be applied, in this spirit, would be to eliminate intermediate parties (mainly centrists or sovereignists), so as to keep only four initially.

These four formations would logically represent the four main political families: the extreme left (LFI), the left (PS), the right (LR) and the extreme right (RN). In this way, the two so-called moderate families, which only bring together a minority of ideologues disconnected from the field (which explains, moreover, the emergence and victory of the centrist Emmanuel Macron), would be easier to beat by the far right (which could, therefore, also put an end to the far left, which is less representative).

The next step, which for the moment is utopian, would consist of establishing an extreme right regime in France. From then on, the parliamentary debate would make the old republican references to the left and the right obsolete, so as to replace them with a multi-party system of another order, also limited to four formations: that of the different currents of the extreme right, with for example Catholics, pagans, identitarians and fascists. It would be the return of a strong and rooted ideology.